Miss Maple Update

Maple continues to capture the hearts of all of our shoppers and friends. We're currently working on not barking and sitting like a good girl for our guests! She is getting much better at the not barking but if she’s napping and hears the door it is almost an automatic reaction. She is doing so good and really loves meeting everyone! I was super nervous because we got her during the lockdown, and I was worried that she would have a hard time adjusting to people, especially because we could not socialize her. But this girls continues to amaze me, snuggling up next to every person who’s trying on shoes, always stealing socks out of the basket on the wall, and from our guests if she can get her paws on them. She has full reign of the shop, and can go upstairs for a break if she needs one, but this pup is a true Shopdog and wants to help and be with everyone. Follow Miss Maple's Adventures on Instagram